Dog Safety, Comfort, and Cleanliness with Artificial Turf in St Louis

collie dog running on artificial grass
September 24, 2021

collie dog running on artificial grass

Pet safety is an important concern for any pet owner, whether you have a small dog or a large one. Artificial turf in St. Louis offers many benefits, especially in the safety category for dogs. Here are seven benefits of artificial grass for dogs.

It eliminates messes

When it comes to artificial turf, there are very few messes to clean up after your dog. Dogs like to dig and play on grass, whether it’s real or artificial. Artificial turf means you won’t have to worry about your dog digging holes and tearing the grass up every time he needs some exercise.

It is easy to clean

St. Louis artificial turf is great for pet owners because it is very low maintenance. You can scrub it down with a mixture of water and vinegar to get rid of any stains or odors.

Additionally, you can hose down your artificial turf on a regular basis to keep it looking good.

It is ideal for dogs that play outside frequently

Your dog will be able to enjoy the great outdoors and you won’t have to worry about him dragging in dirt, mud, and grime inside your home every time he comes in from playing.

On top of that, your dog will always have a place to play when it’s raining outside.

It is comfortable for dogs to lay on

Dogs like to lie around and relax just as much as humans do. Artificial grass provides a soft surface that your dog will enjoy lounging on.

In addition, dogs that lay on the ground are more likely to pick up fleas, dirt, and other particles than dogs that lay on the grass.

It’s safe

Synthetic grass in St. Louis poses no danger to your dog. Most artificial grass has small rubber granules filled inside of the turf. These granules provide traction for your dog’s paws and prevent him from slipping.

It is cool on hot days

Artificial grass can keep your dog cool on a hot summer day because it reflects heat, keeping things cooler inside the home. Artificial grass also reduces humidity in your house, which means less potential for mold and bacteria to grow.

It is a good alternative to grass

Artificial grass works just as well as real grass and your dog will enjoy it just as much. Artificial grass provides all of the same benefits that regular, live grass does without any of the added maintenance or messes. With artificial turf, you’ll never have to worry about your dog destroying it, getting sick from it, or catching a disease. It’s safe for you, the environment, and your pet.

Want more info about this topic? Consult local artificial grass companies today about pet-friendly artificial turf in St. Louis.

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