How an Artificial Grass Installer in Manteca Can Help Dogs with Grass Allergies

artificial grass dog allergies
December 29, 2020

Yes, dogs can have allergies. Unless an artificial grass installer in Manteca steps in to help, they will continue to struggle with symptoms as long as you have a natural lawn.

The backyard is not a fun place for dogs with grass allergies. You may have noticed a few of these symptoms every time they go out into the lawn:

  • Itching and scratching all over
  • Reddish eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Bare patches of fur over time
  • Obvious discomfort after getting in contact with grass

artificial grass dog allergies

The only way to solve this health issue for your pet? Remove the allergen in the first place. The quicker you can replace your natural lawn with artificial grass in Manteca, the sooner they can enjoy the backyard and sunshine with the entire family.

Once you make the switch, it doesn’t matter if it’s spring, summer, or fall— your beloved pet can play on the synthetic grass all day long and come home allergy-free!

More Dog-Friendly Benefits of Artificial Turf in Manteca

Aside from reducing the symptoms of grass allergies, artificial grass offers so many more benefits for homes with dogs:


Say goodbye to holes in your backyard! Your furry friend can dig, and dig, and dig, and your synthetic turf will not suffer any damage.

Great Drainage

Pee drains straight through artificial grass! All it takes is quick rinse with a mild soap-and-water solution, and your artificial grass is back to its clean state.


When you switch to synthetic turf, you dramatically reduce the presence of fleas and ticks on your lawn. Toxic weeds cannot grow naturally on artificial turf, too. This lessens the risk of your pet ingesting any toxic substances every time they play outside.

Aside from that, you never have to treat your lawn with toxic fertilizers, weedicides, pesticides, and other dangerous lawn chemicals.


Your dog will have the time of his life with artificial grass! It’s soft on their paws and bouncy when jumping on running. It’s especially comfortable for old dogs with frail joints.


Treat your pup to a splash pad or mini pool without worrying about them slipping. Artificial grass is non-slip when wet, making them an excellent material for water-oriented backyard features.

Where can you install pet artificial grass?

Anywhere you want! Planning to open a pet-focused business? Synthetic pet grass will work for that, too.

  • Residential yard
  • Grooming businesses
  • Dog clinics
  • Dog boarding facilities
  • Pet-friendly business establishments

You can even install it indoors, such as your balcony, pet room, and more.

Design a Pet-Friendlier Space with Synthetic Turf

Your pet deserves a comfortable and safe yard as much as you and your family do. After all, they’re a member of the family, too! With the help of an artificial grass installer in Manteca, you can create a doggie paradise in the comfort of home. Call your local artificial grass installer in Manteca today to get started with your project!

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